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Quit smoking and vaping with custom help

Free expert coaching and resources to support your quit success

Smokers die an average of 10 years earlier than nonsmokers. Many smokers suffer from tobacco related illnesses years before dying. But you don’t have to lose quality time with ʻohana and friends.

The Quitline uses a combination of quit methods, like confidential counseling and free quit medication, to increase your chances of quitting.

Tools to Help You Quit

Get the right mix of custom support for you
When you enroll with the Quitline, you’ll get everything you need to successfully quit smoking cigarettes, e-cigarettes, cigars, and vapes, all for free.

Enroll in the Quitline program
A custom quit plan &
Free nicotine patches, gum, and lozenges
1:1 help from expert coaches
just for you
Access to an online community
& progress tracker
Choose your own program!
  • Phone – this program offers the most support, provides the highest amounts of free patches, gum, and lozenges, and includes support by text, too.
  • Online – offers free patches, gum, and lozenges, online tools, and access to an online community of others on their quit journey.
  • Or both – get the best of both programs! 

    Our Coaches Help
    You Quit for Good

    Our coaches work with you to create a quit plan that’s right for you.

    See how the Quitline Coaches work with you to:
    Handle nicotine
    Your coach helps you understand what’s happening to your body when you quit smoking or vaping and provides tips on how to get through it. Your coach can help you find the best nicotine medications and right dose to help manage your cravings. Best of all it’s free.
    Set a quit date
    that works for you
    We understand you might not be ready to quit today. Your coach works with you to pick the right quit date to set you up for success. Today, tomorrow, next week … When you’re ready and prepared to start your next quit, we’re ready to help.
    Manage your stress without smoking or vaping
    Smoking or vaping may feel like it helps you deal with stress, but in reality, it just adds to it. Your Quitline coach helps you find healthy ways to deal with stress without smoking or vaping.
    Find out what
    triggers you
    Everyone has different triggers that make quitting hard, but not impossible. Your coach works with you to find your triggers and develops a custom plan just for you.
    Stay on track,
    even if you stumble
    Quitting is a process, and your coach can help you learn ways to distract yourself and keep you on the track with quitting. It’s normal to slip up sometimes but with the help of your coach you can get back on the path to quitting for good.
    Learn about tools that will help you quit
    It’s hard to ignore cravings without the tools to help you resist. Your coach can help you stay on track and support you with proven ways to  change your daily routines and find distractions when nicotine cravings hit.
    Pregnant, planning to become pregnant or just had a baby?
    We understand how important your baby’s health is to you. Whether you’re planning a pregnancy, are currently pregnant, or recently had a baby, we have nonjudgmental support just for you during this special time, including gift card incentives.

      See How the Quitline Works and Ways to Enroll

      Quitting Is Hard
      But Worth It

      Learn more about how quitting improves
      your physical, mental, and financial health
      On Average, Smokers Die 10 Years Earlier Than Nonsmokers.
      How Does Quitting Smoking Improve Your Mental Health?
      Smoking Tobacco Costs the Average Smoker in Hawai‘i Over $3600 a Year.
      Quit Smoking and Vaping With Custom Help
      Enroll and get free support
      to help you quit.